This data represents a direct comparison between a Wave bioreactor bag, standard T175 tissue culture flasks and a medium sized FiberCell Systems C2011 hollow fiber bioreactor cartridge. The FiberCell Systems cartridge produced 6 times the amount of antibody as the Wave bag, at 50 times higher concentration with no exogenous protein. The FiberCell Systems cartridge produced slightly more antibody than the T175 flasks but at a concentration 50X higher with no detectable exogenous protein. CDM-HD is optimized for higher density cell culture, and therefore the media employed in this comparison were not identical. The comparison demonstrates the power of the combination of hollow fiber bioreactors and a medium designed to take advantage of this higher cell density. It should also be noted that the Wave bag is a 1-2 week batch mode process, while the FiberCell Systems cartridge can be maintained producing antibody for more than 6 months if so desired, further increasing amount of antibody produced per reactor cycle or annum.

Purified antibody and ratio of antibody to total protein for the three systems. Flask culture yielded almost as much antibody as the FiberCell Systems cartridge, but in 50X the volume. Note the large amount of extra protein from the wave bag, probably due to cell lysis. Non-antibody protein in the flask is from the serum free media, which is not protein free. FiberCell Systems culture when used with CDM-HD is free from exogenous protein and cell lysis.

Antibody yield per 10 liters of medium consumed, total harvested antibody concentration prior to purification. Note the extremely high concentration of antibody in the FiberCell® Systems hollow fiber bioreactor cartridge. 200 ml of harvested supernatant was equivalent to 10 liters of culture supernatant from the other systems again reflecting the 50 X higher concentration of antibody generated in the FiberCell® Systems bioreactor cartridge.